Friday, March 22, 2019

New progress photos for OLIVE (Oli) BJD DOLL made with polymer clay

Here are some new photos of OLI, BJD one of a kind art doll

Working on Oli - polymer clay BJD doll

Working on Oli (Olive) - polymer clay BJD doll

Oli (Olive) will be 19 cm. I decided to document the process with descriptions and make a tutorial. If you are interested in purchasing the tutorial when it is ready, please contact me directly via email (you can either join my mailing list or use my direct email from this blog under :Contact".

I chose polymer clay for this tutorial for one reason - it lets you finish quite a bit of work in shorter period of time. Working on BJD doll itself takes a lot of time, it also requires a lot of proper tools and sculpting skills, so if you at least take away the curing time, you can achieve significant results in much shorter time.

Anyway, here's a few intermediate photos as my one of a kind BJD doll comes to fruition. The detailed photographs and description will be available via tutorial on my website.